Administration - licence: New licence manager page.
Administration - Tiled layers - Webmaps: Simplification of connections to mapping web services (WMS, WMTS, Here, Bing, Geoconcept).
Assistant - Layers: Filter search for layers.
Widget Queries: Multi-project query creation.
Install - De-install: A back-up mechanism has been added for configuration files.
Component - Geocoding: New file format for geocoding. Old *.UGC files are no longer supported in this version of Geoconcept Web (cf. Updating old versions).
Administration - Appearance: The style of administration pages has been revised and significantly modernized, and the menu and Home page have also been reorganised.
Administration - Layers: Multiple selection of tiled layers and vectors to facilitate deletion, sorting and filtering on layers.
Administration - Tiled layers: Back-up of polygons used to generate a cache.
Administration - Tiled layers - Webmaps: connection to mapping web services (WMS, WMTS, Here, Bing, Geoconcept).
Administration - Vector layers: sequencing of fields using drag-and-drop, and a display parameter has been added for editing SLD styles and performing a search around.
Administration - Vector layers - Styles: Point colours can now be edited.
Administration - Web services: connection now available to web services suggested by Geoconcept (geocoding, autocomplete, Route calculation, isochrone calculation …).
Administration - Cache: Cache size display for each layer/map scale, options to delete cache elements via a hierarchical tree, single click delete option to delete all caches.
Administration - Annotation: New style editor.
Administration - Parameters: Commonly used parameters can now be configured in a dedicated page.
Administration - Tools: A new page has been added for tracking consumption for different web services.
Administration - Documentation: Documentation pages are now opened in a new tab.
Administration - About: New information page (version, licence).
Assistant - Choice of packs: This redundant step has been removed.
Assistant - Styles: Preview of custom styles.
Assistant - Layers: Adapted for easy manipulation of a higher number of layers, highlighted links, and automatic progression between portal layers and layers available.
Widget: Keyboard entry (Enter and Esc) to validate or close the dialogue boxes of the widgets concerned (PDF, Sharing …)
Search around widget: New widget (in classic portal mode) to search around the centre of the screen (or of my position) the objects sourced by vector layers.
Centre Widget: New widget allowing you to insert a cross to show and fix the centre of the screen when performing a search around, for example.
Quick PDF Widget: New widget to rapidly generate PDF files.
Layer analyser widget: New widget to visualise a partial view of a layer that is not displayed.
Isochrone widget: Addition of the option to back-up, delete or select isochrones, choice of the graph to use, choice of a default colour.
Queries widget: Addition of spatial/topological queries, a filter on layers available only for the current project, an option to display or not the result list when a query has completed.
Saved Queries widget: Search for queries in the portal using autocomplete.
Infobox widget: Authorise browsing between the different objects in the case of groups of objects.
Screen dump widget: Revised to achieve faster generation.
Reset reset: Addition of an option enabling the user to choose which widgets are to be reset.
Distance widget: Greater precision for distances displayed in the map, to two decimal places.
Surface area widget: Addition of hectares a unit measure.
Note widget: Separate labels for the two widget buttons.
Mobile: Better utilisation of the space for the layers manager.
Web service - Route calculation (batch): New web service to calculate a batch of routes.
Web service - Route calculation and reverse Geocoding: Addition of new options.
Web service - WMTS: Addition of the EPSG:3857 projection for all published layers.
Installer - Licence activation: licence activation simplification, with deletion of one step.