The Geoconcept Web 5.0 solution replaces the Geoconcept Internet Server (GCIS) and Geoconcept LBS Platform solutions. The term Easy Geoweb is replaced by Designer.
The solution is supplied with a new installer that takes charge of configuring all the components installed.
Notes Widget: the Notes Widget is a system that allows you to easily display uploaded information entered in the field, to list these and handle them via a back-office.
Web Portal Widget: the Web Portal widget can enrich the project by giving one (or several) access points to other platforms hosting geographic information.
Help Widget: this widget enables users to access a document that the administrator will have defined beforehand in the portal Administration.
Last/Next Widget: this widget takes you back to places consulted during the last browsing mission in the mapping portal.
Home Widget: the Home widget takes the user back to the initial status of the mapping portal with regard to geographic position.
Text Scale Widget: the text scale is a functionality that completes the graphic scale proposed by default.
Screen shot Widget the screen shot widget enables the user to export the map in the form of an image.
Annotations Widget: the Annotations widget is a functionality that allows the user to annotate, draw, or highlight information related to the portal. The user can incorporate text, points, lines and polygons, that can be customised as required.
Object edit Widget: this widget enables users to create, modify or delete vector objects (points, lines, and polygons) from the portal.
KML Import Widget imports data in .kml format into the Geoconcept Web portal.
Queries Widget allows you to construct queries using the wizard, and to display the result in the form of lists.
Saved queries Widget executes queries saved by the administrator.
Log off widget: this functionality enables a user to exit from the portal and switch over to a new internet page.
Coordinates Widget adds MGRS, UTM and DFCI projections.
Position Widget adds the possibility for users to save their positions.
Contextualisation: users have the option to save their contexts so they can be re-used at a later date. This concerns the Positions, Advanced Layer Manager and Annotations widgets.
Display objects from an external database with the possibility of selecting objects, creating new ones, or modifying existing objects. An advanced style editor enables customisation of each layer as required.
Geographic rights handling: addition of a functionality to enable groups of users to display objects or not as a function of an attribute.
Connection statistics to track statistics about the consultation of each portal.
Mobile: creation of a portal dedicated to SmartPhone display.
WMTS: tiles are displayed according to the OGC standard.
Meta tile mechanism enabling acceleration of the creation of the tiles cache.
Generation of the cache on a zone tool enabling freehand drawing of the zone where the tiles will be generated.
Generation of programmed cache enables cyclical generation of the tiles cache.
The Web Services have been rewritten and are available in SOAP and in REST. In addition to the Web Services that already exist (Geocoding, Autocompletion, Route calculation and Search Around) the following have been added:
Reverse Geocoding: this service returns one or several possible responses including the address, the post code, the town, and the country, as well as the distance between the result and the start point (coordinates are indicated as input).
Matrix calculation / Distance matrix: this web service calculates a route matrix for a series of points, and returns a distance matrix.
Isochrone/Isodistance Web service: this service calculates an isochrone/isodistance from a point and returns the geometry of the calculated zone.
Find object Web service web service: retrieves information contained in the fields of objects on a Geoconcept map when a coordinate pair is entered.