In the standard installation, for version 6.0 and later versions of Geoconcept Web, Apache Tomcat is used as the Web server, but it is possible nonetheless to use other web servers at the front end (Apache HTTP Server, IIS, …) to fulfil the needs of specific architectures.
Having first downloaded this web server, it will be necessary to install it following the steps suggested in the installer. By default, the installation port is port 80, but this can be modified by editing the httpd.conf file.
It is important to note the installation directory for the Apache server, noted here as: <APACHE_HOME>.
Configuration of ajp proxies to tomcat
To use Apache as a proxy to Tomcat (this enables, for example, deletion of the url port), decomment the lines corresponding to the mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp modules.
# load modules mod_proxy LoadModule proxy_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
Then configure the proxy, for example as follows (with geoconcept-web, the name of the .WAR deployed in Tomcat) by replacing the PORT string by the port number used:
# configure proxy: ProxyPreserveHost On Proxypass /geoconcept-web ajp://localhost:PORT/geoconcept-web RedirectMatch permanent ^/$ /geoconcept-web
Configuration of the https
In httpd.conf decomment
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
and activate the mod_ssl module
# https configuration LoadModule ssl_module modules/
In extra/httpd-ssl.conf configure, for example, as follows (replacing <APACHE_HOME> with the Apache server filepath):
Listen 443 NameVirtualHost *:443 <VirtualHost *:443> SSLEngine on SSLOptions +StrictRequire SSLCertificateFile "<APACHE_HOME>\conf\server.crt" SSLCertificateKeyFile "<APACHE_HOME>\conf\server.key" </VirtualHost>
To create your own SSL certificate, run the following commands (replacing <APACHE_HOME> with the Apache server filepath):
set APACHE_HOME=<APACHE_HOME> set OPENSSL_CONF=%APACHE_HOME%\conf\openssl.cnf "%APACHE_HOME%\bin\openssl" req -new -x509 -sha1 -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.crt -subj "/O=Company/OU=Department/CN=localhost" xcopy /Y /V server.* "%APACHE_HOME%\conf"