This constraint allows you to indicate the maximum number of consecutive nights away without returning to base.
Format: number
A salesperson works travelling routes away from Monday until Friday without returning to base.
Worked days = 1-5 et Max consecutive nights out = 4

A salesperson working away on routes from Monday to Friday but limited to 2 nights away without returning to base.
Worked days = 1-5 et Max consecutive nights out = 2
TourSolver will suggest the following routes:

This constraint allows you to specify a global cost for a night away. TourSolver will take this cost into account to determine whether it is preferable to have the resource sleep the night in paid accommodation or to have them return to base. The lower the cost, the more attractive in cost terms the night away will be.
Format: number
This constraint allows you to define the maximum drive time enabling the resource to return to base rather than take the night away.
Format: HH:MM
Example 1:
Max drive time back before night out = 00:30 indicates that if the resource is more than 30 minutes away from base, the night will be spent in external accommodation. Conversely, if the drive time back to base is less than 30 minutes, they will return to base.

In this case, the resource sleeps the night in external accommodation since it is more than 30 minutes' drive from the base.
Example 2:
Max drive time back before night out = 02:00 indicates that if the resource is more than 2 hours from base, they will sleep in external accommodation. Conversely, if the drive time back to base is less than 2 hours, the resource will return to base.

In this case, the resource will not stay the night away, since they are less than 2 hours drive away from base.