This constraint designates the criteria required by the visit that the resource must follow to enable the visit to take place.
Format: character (expressed in list format, with the list items separated by commas.)
Example 1:
For a customer needing a maintenance intervention concerning the plumbing, you can indicate "plumbing". At least one resource must dispose of this characteristic to fulfill the customer visit.

Example 2:
When access to a customer is limited to a height of 4m, we indicate "2m, 3m" since they can only receive delivery by a vehicle that is less than 4m in height. Only one of the resources fulfilling this criterion can visit this customer.

Example 3:
For a customer needing a maintenance intervention concerning the plumbing AND electricity, you can indicate "plumbing, electricity". At least one of the resources must fulfill both these criteria for the visit to take place. In this case, validate the constraint Require all skills to be compatible with a value of 1.

If the Require all skills to be compatible constraint = 0 then it will not be guaranteed that these 2 characteristics are taken into account.