This constraint contains all possible visit days (up to 64) to which the time window defined by the Opening time 1 and Closing time 1 constraints applies.
Format: numeric or date
These days may be defined one by one (1,4) or by time slot (1-4), as an integer (1,2, …64) or in date format (14/05/2016 =>
Example 1:
Opening days 1 = 1,2,5 (or 14/05/2016,15/05/2016,18/05/2016) signifies that the visit can take place on days 1,2 and 5 in the planning (or the 14/05/2016, 15/05/2016 and 18/05/2016) at the times defined by the Opening time 1 and Closing time 1 constraints.
Example 2:
Opening days 1 = 1-5 (or 14/05/2016 =>
18/05/2016) signifies that the visit may take place on all days 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the planning (or between the 14/05/2016
and the 18/05/2016) at the times defined by the Opening time 1 and Closing time 1 constraints.
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Tip |
If you want to indicate that a visit must be performed on day 2 AND on day 4 of the week, you will need to create two Visit lines indicating 2 on Opening days 1 on the first line and 4 on the second line… ![]() …or use the Visit frequency constraint. ![]() |
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Warning |
Caution: this constraint must be put into correspondence with the Worked days constraint under resources and use the same format (date or number). None of the dates for Opening days 1 can fall before the oldest date for Worked days. |