Optimization constraints


This value segments the customer database according to how it is structured, this being allied in turn to user rights allocated. For example, a resource and/or a planner affiliated to "Paris", will not see customers classified as "Bordeaux".

Format: character


PARIS area

It can be imported.

Last visit date

This constraint allows you to take the date of the last visit preceding the route to be optimized into account, and so allows the application to calculate and respect as far as possible a time delay between visits.

Format: date



It can be imported.

Next visit date

This value permits information about the next visit to be shared, if this information has been given out by the planner following a planning session.

Format: date



It cannot be imported.

Visit duration

This is the least possible time that can be spent on the visit, that is to say a minimum customer visit time.

Format: HH:MM:SS



It can be imported.

Possible visit days 1

This constraint contains all possible Opening days for visits (up to 64) for which the time window as defined by the Opening time 1 and Closing time 1 constraints applies.
Up to 4 opening days can be included.

Format: numeric or date



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Possible visit days 2

This constraint contains all possible Opening days for visits (up to 64) for which the time window as defined by the Opening time 2 and Closing time 2 constraints applies.
Up to 4 opening days can be included.

Format: numeric or date



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Possible visit days 3

This constraint contains all possible Opening days for visits (up to 64) for which the time window as defined by the Opening time 3 and Closing time 3 constraints applies.
Up to 4 opening days can be included.

Format: numeric or date



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Possible visit days 4

This constraint contains all possible Opening days for visits (up to 64) for which the time window as defined by the Opening time 4 and Closing time 4 constraints applies.
Up to 4 opening days can be included.

Format: numeric or date



It can be imported.

Opening time 1 and Closing time 1

These constraints allow you to define a time window over which the visit may be performed. Opening time 1 corresponds to the time from which the visit can be performed. Closing time 1 corresponds to the time after which the visit can no longer be performed. This time window will apply to all days unless Opening days 1 has been defined. In this case, the time window is applied only to this value.

If a timeslot has not been entered for a given visit, the visit can be fulfilled at any time, on any of the Opening days defined, and within the limits set by the resource’s working hours. You can define up to 4 different time slots (and the associated days) for each visit.

Format: HH:MM:SS

Example Opening time 1:


Example Closing time 1:


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Opening time 2 and Closing time 2

These constraints allow you to define a time window over which the visit may be performed. Opening time 2 corresponds to the time from which the visit can be performed. Closing time 2 corresponds to the time after which the visit can no longer be performed. This time window will apply to all days unless Opening days 2 has been defined. In this case, the time window is applied only to this value.

If a timeslot has not been entered for a given visit, the visit can be fulfilled at any time, on any of the Opening days defined, and within the limits set by the resource’s working hours. You can define up to 4 different time slots (and the associated days) for each visit.

Format: HH:MM:SS

Example Opening time 2:


Example Closing time 2:


They can be imported.

Opening time 3 and Closing time 3

These constraints allow you to define a time window over which the visit may be performed. Opening time 3 corresponds to the time from which the visit can be performed. Closing time 3 corresponds to the time after which the visit can no longer be performed. This time window will apply to all days unless Opening days 3 has been defined. In this case, the time window is applied only to this value.

If a timeslot has not been entered for a given visit, the visit can be fulfilled at any time, on any of the Opening days defined, and within the limits set by the resource’s working hours. You can define up to 4 different time slots (and the associated days) for each visit.

Format: HH:MM:SS

Example Opening time 3:


Example Closing time 3:


They can be imported.

Opening time 4 and Closing time 4

These constraints allow you to define a time window over which the visit may be performed. Opening time 4 corresponds to the time from which the visit can be performed. Closing time 4 corresponds to the time after which the visit can no longer be performed. This time window will apply to all days unless Opening days 4 has been defined. In this case, the time window is applied only to this value.

If a timeslot has not been entered for a given visit, the visit can be fulfilled at any time, on any of the Opening days defined, and within the limits set by the resource’s working hours. You can define up to 4 different time slots (and the associated days) for each visit.

Format: HH:MM:SS

Example Opening time 4:


Example Closing time 4:


They can be imported.

Required skills

This constraint designates the criteria to be fulfilled as stipulated by the customer, that the resource will need to respect to be able to visit them.

Format: character - list of words separated by commas (maximum of 64 different words for all files of visits and resources handled)-



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This constraint allows you to specify that a visit must be performed several times over a period of several days. TourSolver attempts to optimize by balancing as best it can the gaps between visits while also taking the other constraints into account. The frequency does not guarantee absolute respect for the specified periods of time. An indicator showing non-respect for frequency periods in the TourSolver interface informs you of the number of visits that do not fall within the optimum visiting period.

Format: character



It can be imported.

Minimum spacing between visits

This constraint allows you to indicate the minimum number of days required between two visits of a same customer.

Format: integer



It can be imported.

Maximum spacing between visits

This constraint allows you to indicate the maximum number of days required between two visits of a same customer.

Format: integer



It can be imported.

Frequency type

This is a descriptive value, designed to enable simpler filtering of data in the interface.

Format: character



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